Blood Bowl

Ah! The Blood Bowl. The most coveted trophy of the Old World. Disputed between the AFC and NFC champions, winning the Blood Bowl is the pinnacle of a player’s career. Before the raise in popularity in 2461, the Blood Bowl was a competitive yet amateurish tournament that provided the unnoficial “World’s best team” award to the winning team. However, with the Bloodweiser sponsorship, the increased prices and the huge amount of marketing involved, the Blood Bowl became more and more popular, making teams compete harder to win it and led to the one thing that makes this sport great today: drug enhanced players. Well, and corrupt referees. Ok, the two things tha… Oh. Illegal weapons as well. The three th… Did I mention forbidden magic?

In any case, the Blood Bowl is great. A trophy made of pure dwarven gold, it has already been stolen 3 times. Or 4, according to Gouged Eye fans, which 15 years later still claim the Skaven scramblers cheated their way to victory in 2478. But, after all, isn’t cheating what makes this sport so great? Or was it…

2492 Orcidas Team of the Year: Darkside Cowboys
2492 Orcidas Player of the Year: Hubris Rackart (Darkside Cowboys)
2492 Spike! Best scorer: Naieth Leithian (Laurelorn Paladins), 14 TD
2492 Spike! Most violent Player: Morg’n’Throg (Chaos All-Stars), 8 Casualties
2492 Spike! Best Thrower: Valen Swift (Elfheim Eagles), 21 passes

2492 Blood BowlWinner: Darkside Cowboys

RackartThe final was an allegory of the Cowboys season. Sloppy beggining, opportunistic with the opponent’s mistakes in the middle, and a steamroller of violence and touchdowns by the end of it, that not even Varag Ghoulchewer could stop. One elf has brought the Cowboys back to the top, if they ever left it: Hubris Rackart. Without doubt the best player currently, it is rumoured he told Nuffle himself at the end of he Exile: “If you strike my magic down, I shall become more powerful that you can even imagine“. Oh boy, was he right. But as Rackart would say: Is he ever wrong? After leading his team to win the blood bowl and snatching the best player and best team awards, few will disagree.

Blood Bowl
Darkside Cowboys 2 – Gouged Eye 0

Conference finals
Gouged Eye 2 – Elfheim Eagles 0
Darkside Cowboys 3  – Vynheim Valquiries 0

Conference Semi-finals
Laurelorn Paladins 2 – Elfheim Eagles 4
Gouged Eye 1 (4) – Ironcrag Decimators (3)
Darkside Cowboys 4 – Cleveeland Crscents 3
Vynheim Valquiries 2 – Orcland Raiders 1